"And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon Him." (Luke 2:40)
The content and material found within the Linked Sites may not represent the viewpoint of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States. The Southern Diocese is not responsible for any material presented within these sites.
Holy Bible Study
Early Church Documents
- Guide to Early Church Documents
- Early Church Fathers
- The Church Fathers
- Early Church Documents (circa 96-150 A.D.)
- A History of Christianity in Egypt - The Saints
- St. Pachomius Library
- The Life of our Holy Mother Mary of Egypt
- Apostolic Canons
- Apostolic Constitutions - Didascalia Apostolorum Book I - VI
His Holiness Pope Shenouda's Writings
Diocese of Los Angeles
Coptic Channels
Coptic Music, Hymns, and Songs
Other Links
- St. Takla Haymanout Coptic Orthodox Church
- Vegan Cooking
- In His Steps
- All About Children
- The Life with Jesus
- Unexpected Life of Abundance
- Passionate About His Passion: Meditations on the Holy Great Fast
- Passionate About His Passion: Meditations on the Holy Great Fast 2
- Arabic Meditations - Part 1
- Arabic Meditations - Part 2
- Arabic Meditations - Part 3
- Arabic Meditations - Part 4
- Marriage Book (Arabic)
- Nutrition Tips for Fasting