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Servants' Corner — Program Guidelines
1. The program is for all servants and preservants.
2. All servants, regardless of age, experience or rank of service (e.g., service coordinator, etc.) must take the evaluation tests.
3. All preservants who are attending the diocese Servants Preparation Program (SPP) must take the evaluation tests at the same time with the servants. Preservants who are attending localized preservants classes in their church can either attend the diocese program or wait until they get into service and then take the evaluation tests along with the other servants.
4. The evaluation process is not intended to get rid of any servant but to insure that we all have the "one faith" in our "one Lord."

1. Evaluation test will be given in each church under the supervision of the church priest or his designated person.
2. Evaluation test must be taken in all churches at the same time and mailed out the second day.
3. To ensure the confidentiality of the Evaluation test and the grades, all servants will be given a code that will be used in all diocese examinations. Only the servant and the church priest will know this code. This will help us post the grades on the Internet in the future.

Only seminary students and seminary graduates are exempt from the Evaluation test.

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