Coptic Diocese of the Southern U.S.A.

Beloved Teens & Youth,

The peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

It is my pleasure to introduce the Mighty Champions Magazine to our dear teens and youth. God’s people are a mighty and spirited nation—faithful, resilient, compassionate, and gifted. His children and youth are precious to Him.

The teenage years pose a set of challenges—social, familial, academic, and even spiritual. Though youth are often faced with many ordeals, God is determined to walk alongside His children and gently teach them, so that they may draw their strength and understanding from Him, channel their energy into positive endeavors, and produce the good fruit.

During this important transition in your life, from childhood to adulthood, you will begin to form your own special relationship with God. You will realize that Almighty God is also your dearest and most loving friend—always ready to listen and always prepared to give you the best advice.

This is your magazine. I invite you to share your thoughts, interests, events, and exciting activities with other youth all over the world. By the grace of God, His youth will overcome challenges, rise above adversities, grow in love, and rejoice in His peace. In God’s eyes, you are truly champions.

May the Lord use this magazine for the glory of His holy name and it may it be a source of blessings to you, your families, and all your friends.

God bless you.

Bishop Youssef
Bishop, Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States