www.suscopts.org Southern Coptic Kids Camp
Southern Coptic Kids Camp
Camp Rules
In order to enjoy the camp and benefit spiritually, please follow the following guidelines:

1. All camp site rules must be followed. We will go over the rules in the orientation on the first day of the camp.
2. No kids will be allowed to have their own phones so if they need to make a phone call they will have to use a chaperon's phone.
3. Please bring appropriate clothes for the camp (including: jackets, hats, gloves, etc.). No sleeveless shirts will be allowed. Shorts only allowed during sports activities.
4. Christian behavior is expected from each participant, NO EXCEPTIONS. Failure to follow this rule will result in serious consequences based on the decision of the on site priest.
5. Inappropriate language is unacceptable. Consequences will follow as stated above.
6. All churches are responsible for registering their kids ONLINE by the DEADLINE. Once registration ends, room assignments will be assigned and no changes will be able to be made at this point. Please keep in mind that we will try to accommodate you according to your rooming list. You might be sharing cabins with kids from other churches, so we expect friendly and Christian behavior towards each other.

Items to bring to the camp:

Bible, Agpeya, and notebook
Toiletries (toothpaste, brush, soap, etc...)
Sleeping bag, pillow, and towels
Appropriate church and play clothes. No shorts during prayers.

Items NOT to bring to the camp:

NO ELECTRONICS (any phones, any laptops, any tablets, any music devices, any gaming devices, any hand-held electronics)

©2015 Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States. All rights reserved.