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The Departure of HH Pope Shenouda III
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...and they know you are Christian by your love:
(a few thoughts written the day our beloved was laid to rest (3/17/2012)...although words come short)
The words "the burial of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III" are immensely heavy on my heart, foreign to my ears, unbelievable to my eyes....how fitting is it for you, our selfless leader, to be laid to rest in the same dwelling place alongside St. Bishoy, 'friend of the highest Love', for you are both our national pride...two Egyptian fathers known for their unconditional love, meekness, simplicity, and unmatched selflessness. While the rest of the monks ran to see Christ who was professed to be on the hill, St. Bishoy stopped to pick up the old man to carry on his back, and through his sacrificial love, he alone saw Christ who manifested Himself as the old man, seeking the heart of those whose hearts seek not their own, hearts like yours, our honorable example.
Christ taught us through you both that those who run by the weak in their hurry to see Christ on the hill will see Him not. They seek salvation in the wrong place, as our Christ is in the hearts of those the few of us will stop to help along the way. St. Bishoy and your Holiness can be found in the dust of those running by, and as Christ promised, He made you both first because you made yourselves last. St. Bishoy's body is preserved to this day because he carried Christ. You, our beloved shepherd, emulated St. Bishoy's selfless love by turning the church's other cheek through tumultuous times, defying human reactions, teaching your children to love even our oppressors. You were exiled, imprisoned, persecuted, ridiculed...yet your smile, heart, and compassion outgrew all the increasing trials.
Your solace came from John 15:18 and Matthew 10:22, as you bonded with Christ, enduring the world's hatred together, as He warned us He was hated first, and promised salvation to the longsuffering and steadfast believers, those after your own heart. What's amazing is that you smiled and loved your prosecutors, even as they imprisoned you. Luke 6:27-38 is our most beautiful struggle as humans, yet you lived it honestly. "Love your neighbors", an oxymoron to our nature, was an instinct for you. You made unconditional agape look so easy, as you made us laugh, even while enduring unbearable physical pain and even deception, effortlessly it seemed.
You truly tamed our hearts during a most difficult time period in our Egyptian history, and without your Christ-like guidance, our humanity might have provoked us to fight back, misrepresenting our Lord. Our hearts are burning with your absence, but you did not leave us to the end. You truly tamed our hearts during a most difficult time period in our Egyptian history, and without your Christ-like guidance, our humanity might have provoked us to fight back, misrepresenting our Lord. Our hearts are burning with your absence, but you did not leave us to the end. You have given us scores of literature, sermons, papal letters, poetry, and more to fill our libraries and our hearts with your timeless presence.
Your forgiving, endearing smile is etched into our hearts; your laughter will fill our homes; your picture will adorn our walls; your books will enrich our minds; your sermons will guide our paths; your poetry will season our days and spiritual lyrics; your ecclesiastic expansion to every continent will mother our souls; your example will remind us to love harder, forgive more, crucify less. In my heart, you are HH Pope Shenouda III, the peacemaker, the compassionate, the loving, the tolerant. Your bosom was not reserved for Christians alone, as men of various faiths sought comfort there; they are calling you the Pope of the Arab world, not just of our mother Church.
Your pure heart did not see the difference between an isharb and higab when it came to the love you offered, and because of this, Copts are not alone in the desire to be included under the protective title of your fatherhood. Dissension decreased with your presence. Every faith and nationality recognizes you as an icon of peace-making and tolerance, rare in these times.
We did not crown you with that title in our own cathedral; the United States president, himself, did from our respected White House. Your legend is a rich aroma crossing seas. You are so deeply missed. Words come short, until we can thank you ourselves, our beloved. While your body rests near St. Bishoy's in Wadi El-Natroun, performing miracles side by side, both your souls are rejoicing in heaven, interceding for us like you promised in the love letter which was the entity of your life. You have won the race. You have fought the good fight. I can only imagine your unforgettable smile receiving Christ's greeting "faithful servant, well done".
+ Doxology for the Thrice Blessed Pope Shenouda III:
Shenooti pimashomt: pe pi'ehlog enran: fa pen Papa etaiyot: etaf chimoit nan. | Shenouda, the third: the sweet name: of our honored father: who has guided us. |
Emethmee niven: nem efnahtee emee: enciyo entaf niven: is-jen tefmetkooji. | To every righteousness: and the true faith: all of his life: since his childhood. |
Naftee esvo empef laoc: entee metanya nem teesofia: nem teemet-hotee ente efNoti: nem Tef aghabi. | He taught his people: repentance and wisdom: and the fear of God: and His love. |
Oo-eer en-aretee ak-go-koo: oo-eer enhov en-anev akaitoo: oo-eer en-gom ak-es-kheetoo: oo-eer en-eklom akshashni emm-o-oo. | How many virtues, you have perfected: how many good deeds, you have done: How many books, you have written: How many crowns, you have won. |
Is aker-oo-oini eron: khen nek-ecvo-ooi ethowab: nem nek-saji emepnevmatikon: av-shopi nan enoo-aho efoo-ab. | You have enlightened us: with your holy teachings: and your spiritual sayings: have become for us a holy treasure. |
Tee nashobt an en-ehli: aishanmootee erok je oo-eprofeeteec: ye apostolos ye man'ethritees: o pen Papa em patriarsheec. | I do not err: if I call you a prophet: or an apostle or a mandrite: O our Pope, the patriarch. |
Shere pi nishtee empatriarshees: papa Avva Shenooti pimahshomt: pi reftee esvo entee ikoomenee: oo-oh efiot ente tee metmonakhos. | Hail to the great among the patriarchs: Pope Abba Shenouda the third: the teacher of the universe: and the father of monasticism. |
Tovh em ep Chois e-ehree egon: o penyot ethowab em patriarshees: Papa Avva Shenooti pi mahshomt: entef ka nen novi nan evol. | Ask the Lord on our behalf: O our saintly father, the patriarch: Pope Abba Shenouda the third: that He may forgive us our sins. |
all your children,
who carry you in our hearts.
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