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When You Pray
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"Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desire of your heart" (Psalm 37:4).
As children, our parents taught us to pray before bedtime and before meals as a way to reinforce our religion and belief so it became a routine. But through the years, we learned in Sunday school and Church about the love of God and His longing to have an intimate relationship with every one of us.
The more we grow in faith and in prayer, the more we understand that prayer has a deeper meaning to our whole being. It is about our soul reaching to heaven to be near the presence of our Creator and about inviting God to live in us and to be a part of our earthly walk until we go to heaven.
"But you, when you pray, go into your room, and shut the door, pray to your Father who is in secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly" (Matthew 6:6).
Many people pray every single day but end up with no satisfaction or fulfillment. Instead, their heart is filled with doubt, that God is even listening to them or that their prayer has any benefit.
When you pray, do not be like the pagans that repeat empty words without a heart full of love. You think you have accomplished your mission and gave God some of your precious time. You must assess your prayer and why you pray?
Ask yourself; are you asking for help? Or do you need something? Or are you looking to gain something out of it? Or are you truly benefiting from the time you are spending in prayer?
There is no right way or wrong way when it comes to prayer, as long it is from the heart. For true prayer comes from the desire of the heart, the love, and the thirst to be one with God and it is directed by the Holy Spirit to lead us in His way.
We can pray to God every chance we get and in any way we want, as long it is from the heart. For prayer can be a song of love, a prayer in silence, a conversation, or a prayer out loud. It can also be in the form of a complaint, request, pleading, praise, or simply thanksgiving. Also, prayer can be waiting on God's answer to our prayer or to direct us to His will.
"He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, 'O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.'" (Matthew 26:39).
The Lord Jesus Christ taught us that we should tell our Father our heart's desire. Even though He knows our heart, we should say that it is not our will, but His will that we want for us since we do not know what is the best for us.
"Hannah answered and said, 'No, my lord, I am a woman of sorrowful spirit. I have drunk neither wine nor intoxicating drink, but have poured out my soul before the Lord.'" (1 Samuel 1:15).
When you are in love with someone, you desire to spend time with him, to talk to him, to listen to him, and to share your thoughts with him. Your heart is longing toward him. Every time you separate from him, you long for the moment that you will see him again. So how should we feel in our relationship with our Father? We should confess our love to Him and long to spend time with Him and have a meaningful relationship with Him.
Hannah prayed with all her heart and told God her heart's desire. Through her sorrow, she loved and trusted that God will give her a word of comfort. But God did more than that. He granted her more than what she hope for. He not only granted her a son, but many other things, because her heart was full of love for Him.
Prayer should be the best part of your daily life. Do not neglect it, but rather, open your heart to God and ask Him to guide you through it, so you can do what is pleasing in His sight. And you will discover that comfort and peace will fill your heart and help you to overcome your trails whatever they may be.
When You Pray
With eyes full of tears ...
Happy tears for being in His presence
Sad tears for all the wrong you have done
With praises and a thankful heart...
For all He has done for you
For all He has forgiven you
For all He has blessed you with
With compassion, always seeking...
His words of guidance
His words of comfort
His words of blessing
And ask diligently for...
His strength to accomplish His will for you
Him to grant you His peace for the day
And never neglect to pray for others...
To be comforted by Him
To become close to Him
And know...
He will guide your words of prayer
Written by
Nagwa Abdou
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