Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

Submission and Obsession

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Two words that rhyme very well! Yet, they cannot get along!
For, one sets you free
and the other strips freedom from your life.

One brings peace in your life
and the other turns it to a burning fire.

With one, you will enjoy what you have
and with the other you will never reach what you do not have.

One is a sign of humbleness
and the other is a sign of selfishness.

For, one is cure for your eyes
and the other is the speck that makes you blind.

With one, you will be thankful in every condition
and with the other you will never be content.

With one, you can put a smile on every face
and with the other no one can put a smile on yours.

For, one helps us to see the True God
and the other creates fake gods.

Through one, all saints earned the kingdom of heaven
and through the other, many lived in hell even before their death!

Submission and obsession, two words that rhyme together
but yet so far away from being together!

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