Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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Why women can not have communion during their menstrual cycle?

The exclusion of women from partaking of the Holy Eucharist during their menstrual cycle may have initially stemmed from the holy Book of Leviticus. However, Leviticus 15, actually instructs both women and men to refrain from approaching holy articles during any period of impurity. These impurities include any form of discharges. That is not to say that this now implies "clean or unclean" for just as one can argue that women must endure menstruation from puberty to menopause because God enabled her to procreate and bear children, which is good, that it should be looked upon as something not good. Likewise, the discharge of men is for the same purpose. The call to purity is one of mind, heart, and body and should be placed in the context of worship. Partaking of the Holy Eucharist is not the only form of worship during these episodes or cycles. This time ought to still be set aside for worship and the life of repentance. The church does not refuse anyone from attending any services during these times, but only restricts them from partaking of certain Sacraments which are the Holy Eucharist and the Unction of the Sick (unless the condition is due to a serious chronic medical infirmity).

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