Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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Do think that the cultural behavior of the Islamic people have seeped into the church, because of prolonged abuse? In other words, do those who have been abused for a long period of time, are now becoming abusive themselves? Is this acceptable? Reference:

It is difficult to root out cultural influences from seeping into religious organizations. Having said that, I think that the Coptic Orthodox Church has been very vigilant in safeguarding the Coptic community and ensuing measures for the accountability of servants and clergy. It is not acceptable for people to do onto others the harm which was inflicted upon them. As Christians, we are called to a higher understanding of endurance of hardships, which by no means could ever include harm unto others, or even injuring those who inflicted the harm on us. We must always turn to prayer first and foremost, and then can calmly and respectfully pursue legal avenues.
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