Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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In the monastic tradition of the Egyptian Church, are young, recently tonsured monks called "father" or only priests, or old experienced monks? I am a Byzantine Catholic monk trying to learn more about the *rich* tradition of my brothers in the Church of Egypt.

The Coptic Orthodox Church does not practice the same tonsure tradition of monks as in other churches. Some monks grow their hair and some shave it or keep it short. Rather, the equivalence of the tonsure tradition is a snipping of the hair in the sign of a cross. This applies even to the rank of Reader in the Church. Novices are referred to as 'brothers'. All monks are called 'father' even if they are not ordained priests. Monasticism is not a priestly rank, but monks are perceived as fatherly figures. Monks that are ordained priests are referred to as 'hieromonks'. Hegomens can be higher ranking hieromonks, celibate priests, or married priests.

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