Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States

Priest Ordination - Tulsa, OK

July 8, 2018

COLLEYVILLE, TX. July 8, 2018 -- On Sunday, July 8, 2018, the diocese was blessed with the ordination of Fr. Silas Abdelmalek for the St. Peter & St. Paul Coptic Orthodox Church in Tulsa, OK as H.G. Bishop Youssef performed the "laying of the hands" with the presence of H.G. Bishop Metias. This blessed event was attended by some of the Diocese priests, visiting laymen, and the Tulsa community. We pray that the Lord will grant Fr. Silas wisdom, love, and peace as he begins his new service.

"The work of the priesthood is done on earth, but it is ranked among heavenly ordinances. And this is only right, for no man, no angel, no archangel, no other created power, but the Paraclete Himself ordained this succession, and persuaded men, while still remaining in the flesh to represent the ministry of angels."
- St. John Chrysostom, On the Priesthood