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I have strong feelings for a particular girl that I have known at work for months. However, I am only 18 years old. I know I'm not financially, educationally, or even physically ready to engage in a serious relationship with this girl, but I really like her and I find myself thinking about her a lot. There is also another problem. This girl has been with several other guys before and she may have done some sinful acts. I am a very religious person and I fear God, but for some reason I don't care what she did in the past. My feelings for this girl are strong, and I am having trouble dealing with them. Am I doing something wrong? What should I do?

You have already given all the good reasons why you should not pursue these feelings and yet you are still asking the question. For all and every reason you have mentioned, you definitely should not even think about this girl now. You are too young and at this age and time of your life, it is normal to be attracted to girls but this does not mean that you should pursue a serious relationship now. On the contrary, whenever such a thought occur you should rid yourself of it, get her out of your mind and concentrate on your school and your spiritual life for the present time. Pray the Lord to help you get closer to Him and direct you to the right path without stumbling.
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