Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States
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Why do we have an appendix? How do we explain having one according to the Bible and not to evolutionary principles of it being a vestigial organ that man used to have when he ate more plants than animals?

The role of the appendix is more pronounced in the childhood years, similar to the thymus gland, which becomes atrophied as the child grows. Appendicitis is more common starting in the teen years and beyond. The appendix is a specific organ containing a strong blood supply with large number of lymphoid follicles, which are part of the immune system. Tonsils and spleen are also part of the immune system and they help to fight against foreign organisms and antibodies. Removal of these types of organs does not necessarily impair one’s overall health. From a scientific point of view, it is possible that the appendix had a more significant functional role when man ate a more vegan diet.
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