Q&A Home > S > Spiritual Books I would like to start reading Christian Orthodox books but I am very confused. Where do I start? I came across monastic books, Biblical commentaries, Church history books, etc. Where is a good place to start? All the categories you have mentioned are very important to have a complete knowledge of the Church faith and history. I suggest you start with the Holy Bible, the New Testament in particular. Make it a point to read at least one chapter a day. As for commentaries, from the early fathers I suggest St. John Chrysostom, St. Cyril and many others who wrote great commentaries on different books of the Holy Bible. You can read those commentaries at http://www.ccel.org/fathers2/.
To help you grow spiritually you need also to read spiritual books. His Holiness Pope Shenouda has many English publications in this field such as the Life of Righteousness, the Spiritual Means, the Spiritual Man etc.
It is always good to vary your reading materials. I recommend you read:
The Sayings of the early Fathers, Salvation in the Orthodox Concept by His Holiness Pope Shenouda, How to Benefit from the Divine Liturgy by His Grace Bishop Mettaous and Introduction to the Coptic Orthodox Church by Fr. Tadros Malaty.
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