Q&A Home > S > Sex / Sexuality > Sex in Marriage Does the sacrament of Matrimony put restrictions on the sexual practices a couple may do to show their love to one another; particularly, the question of oral sex integrity or foreplay? From what I understand, the reason for any type of sexual activity is for either procreation or intimacy. Is there a wrong or right way of making love? Does the Holy Bible say anything about making love a certain way and how literally do we take it?
What age is appropriate for kids to be introduced to issues about sex, dating, kissing, opposite sex intimacy?
Every sacrament is sanctioned by a set of laws. Marriage is indeed a holy and blessed sacrament that is governed by a unique set of rules. It is expected that the married couple will express their emotions of love for one another in an intimately physical manner. These intimate expressions are for procreation, intimacy, and enjoyment by the husband and wife (Proverbs 5:15-20).
The Lord carefully and beautifully designed the human anatomy in such a way that each member of the body has a special function. No one is at liberty to do as they please with their own body or their spouse's. You can gather, therefore, that even in the context of marriage, there is a fine line between love and lust. Oral, anal, or other deviations of sex is the misuse of one's body and is considered a distortion and perversion of a sexual relationship between husband and wife, based on lust rather than love. If one or both of the spouses do not apply restrictions, they may find themselves later on addicted to such inappropriate stimulation and gratification even within the marriage (1 Thess 4-5).
Remember, sexuality is based on satisfying a desire and not a need. Fasting is an opportunity to restrict the body from satisfying desires, as well as the basic needs, such as food and water, even for short periods of time. The restrictions for marital intimacy are for the purpose of maintaining chastity and purity for the married couple within the marriage. "But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death" (James 1:14-15).
Discussion about sexuality is appropriate at all ages. If we neglect to teach what is "normal' or rather "expected", we do the children and young teens a disservice by alienating them in their own shame and confusion. In any case, if a child asks a question, he/she deserves an answer. Children, for the most part, repeat what they hear, and apply what they see. If a child is asking about matters well beyond his/her years, you must question what this child is being exposed to, whether on T.V., siblings, school, or even with church youth. Seize every opportunity to discuss a topic they have in mind, so you may help them reveal their inner struggles, if there are any, and can therefore effectively provide them alternatives that are spiritually sound.
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