A Letter from

My beloved Youth,

May the One Spirit of all the inspired believers present on the Day of Pentecost be with you.

"When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came from Heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance." (Acts 2:1-4)

This is how the life of the first church was created. The first church was born with a church life that began steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and in fellowship. This was done through the breaking of bread (the Eucharist), with prayers (Divine Liturgy), and with continuing daily with one accord (Apostolic Teachings).

The earliest days of the Christian Church were filled with love, joy and unity in which Christians were of one accord and shared all things in common. But this unity was later to be challenged and to be defended by many of our Coptic Saints.

Therefore, in honor of the Day of Pentecost and the Apostolic Teachings that were to follow, this issue of the Mighty Arrows features articles about the Apostolic Fathers and selected saints among the Commemoration of the Saints in the Divine Liturgy.

It is with endearing love and respect that we recite the names of the saints who were not only empowered to preach and teach, but many continued in the healing ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation, if it meant their lives, was in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone.

"As this O Lord, is the command of Your only-begotten Son, that we share in the commemoration of Your saints, graciously accord, O Lord to remember all the saints who have pleased You since the beginning:

our holy fathers the patriarchs, the prophets, the apostles, the preachers, the evangelists, the martyrs, the confessors, and all the spirits of the righteous perfected in the faith. Most of all, the pure full of glory, ever virgin holy Theotokos, St Mary who truly gave birth to God the Logos.

And St John the forerunner, Baptist, and martyr; St Stephen the archdeacon and protomartyr; the beholder of God, St Mark the Evangelist, the apostle and martyr; the patriarch St Severus; our teacher St Dioscorus; St Athanasius the Apostolic; St Peter the holy martyr and high priest;

St John Chrysostom; St Theodosius; St Theophilus; St Demetrius; St Cyril; St Basil; St Gregory the Theologian; St Gregory the Wonderworker; St Gregory the Armenian; the 318 assembled at Nicea; the 150 at Constantinople; and 200 at Ephesus; our righteous father, the great Abba Anthony; the righteous Abba Paul; the 3 saints Macarii and all their children, the cross bearers;

Our father Abba John the hegumen; our righteous father Abba Pishoy, the perfect man, the beloved of our good Savior.

Our father Abba Paul of Tammoh and Ezekiel his disciple; my lords, the Roman fathers Sts Maximus and Dometius; the 49 martyrs; the elders of Shiheet; the strong St Abba Moses; John Kame the priest; our father Abba Daniel the hegumen; our father Abba Isidore the priest; our father Abba Pachom of the Koinonia, and Theodore his disciple; our father Abba Shenoute the archmandrite, and Abba Wesa his disciple; and all the choir of your saints, through whose prayers and supplications have mercy on us all and save us, for the sake of Your holy name, which is called upon us" (Divine Liturgy of St Basil)

May the Lord repose their souls and forgive us all our sins,

His Grace Bishop Youssef
Bishop, Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States