Judge Not


It is so easy to fall in the trap of judgment in evangelism.  You think of others, whom you are going to evangelize, that they are sinners or they don’t know the true God or the true religion.  But, once a person feels that you think you are better than him, he rejects all your attempts to attract him to God or to the church.    


So, what is the right direction? I don’t judge him.  He is in need to God as any other human being and that includes me too. The only advantage I have over him is the mercy of God. In His mercy he allowed me to know His way and to discover His church. In His mercy He allowed me to meet teachers who guided me to His kingdom. So, although I am in His way, but that is His mercy and nothing from me, as St. Paul says “For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells” (Romans 7:18).


I don’t judge him because I know that the temptations of the flesh are strong and sin is deadly.  Here is what the Bible says about it “For she has cast down many wounded, and all who were slain by here were strong men” (Proverb 7:26). 


Instead of judgment, I have echoes of His love in my heart.  I have a better understanding of human beings that lead me to know the weakness of human nature.  Also, I consider the influence of evil surrounding atmosphere on others.  Therefore, I have mercy on my heart.


Our Lord when He talks about His mission, he says “For God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved” (John 3:17).  If the Son does not condemn, who am I to judge?


Therefore the rule in evangelism is never judge a person, but instead always have love and mercy in your heart.